SCENE ONE - The Beginning Mr. Tucker,
SCENE TWO - Climb My Mountain - Song
“Climb My Mountain” Tommy (solo), Father, Mother
SCENE THREE - The Break-up - Song “Things
Oh So Sad” Father, Mother (duet), Tommy, Temptation
SCENE FOUR - Broken In Two - Song “What
Do You Do” Tommy (solo), Father, Mother, Temptation
SCENE FIVE - Socializing With the Gang
- Song “Rap Time” Tommy, Angelina, Billy, Megan, Einstein, Prudence,
Fred (ensemble), Mr. Tucker, Temptation
SCENE SIX - Social Deviates - Song
“Social Deviates” Tommy, Billy, Einstein, Fred (ensemble), Mr. Tucker,
SCENE SEVEN - The Big Test - Song “Test
Me” Mr. Bumgardner (solo), Tommy, Angelina, Billy, Megan, Einstein,
Prudence, Fred (ensemble), Mr. Tucker, Temptation
SCENE EIGHT - What Happened to the
World? - Song “Don’t Ask Me Where” - Tommy, Angelina (duet)
SCENE NINE - Fish or Cut Bait - Song
“No Reply” Billy (solo), Megan (duet)
SCENE TEN - That Kitty Feeling - Song
“That Kitty Feeling” Angelina, Megan, Prudence (ensemble), Temptation
SCENE ELEVEN - The Party - Song “Let’s
Keep It Low Key Baby” Tommy, Angelina (duet), Billy, Megan, Fred, Prudence,
Einstein, Temptation
SCENE TWELVE - Lamenting Love and Mr.
Tucker Emerges Tommy, Mr. Tucker, Temptation
SCENE THIRTEEN - Break-up Mania - Song
“Your Kiss” Billy (solo), Megan, Tommy, Angelina, Einstein, Prudence,
Fred (ensemble), Temptation
Copyright © 2002-2007 by Michael Reardon and Thomas Wrinn. All Rights Reserved. Any use of materials on this Web site, including reproduction, modification, distribution or republication, without the prior written consent of Michael Reardon and Thomas Wrinn, is strictly prohibited.